Results for 'Rasmus Bysted Møller'

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  1. Motor intentionality and the case of Schneider.Rasmus Thybo Jensen - 2009 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (3):371-388.
    I argue that Merleau-Ponty’s use of the case of Schneider in his arguments for the existence of non-conconceptual and non-representational motor intentionality contains a problematic methodological ambiguity. Motor intentionality is both to be revealed by its perspicuous preservation and by its contrastive impairment in one and the same case. To resolve the resulting contradiction I suggest we emphasize the second of Merleau-Ponty’s two lines of argument. I argue that this interpretation is the one in best accordance both with Merleau-Ponty’s general (...)
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  2. The Structure of Scientific Theories.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2015 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Scientific inquiry has led to immense explanatory and technological successes, partly as a result of the pervasiveness of scientific theories. Relativity theory, evolutionary theory, and plate tectonics were, and continue to be, wildly successful families of theories within physics, biology, and geology. Other powerful theory clusters inhabit comparatively recent disciplines such as cognitive science, climate science, molecular biology, microeconomics, and Geographic Information Science (GIS). Effective scientific theories magnify understanding, help supply legitimate explanations, and assist in formulating predictions. Moving from their (...)
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  3. Joachim Möller and Bernd Krysmanski (eds.), Creative Reception: John Locke's Impact on Literature and Pictorial Art.Bernd Krysmanski & Joachim Möller - 2024 - Dinslaken: Krysman Press.
    The authors of this volume — all of them recognized representatives of a wide range of academic disciplines — agree that Locke’s work must have had a considerable influence both on English and German literature and the visual arts of Great Britain, especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. From the perspective of interdisciplinarity and intertextuality, the essays presented here deal with Locke as a source of ideas for Archibald Alison, John Constable, Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Oliver Goldsmith, Johann Timotheus (...)
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    A trilemma for naturalized metaphysics.Rasmus Jaksland - 2023 - Ratio 36 (1):1-10.
    Radical naturalized metaphysics wants to argue (1) that metaphysics without sufficient epistemic warrant should not be pursued, (2) that the traditional methods of metaphysics cannot provide epistemic warrant, (3) that metaphysics using these methods must therefore be discontinued, and (4) that naturalized metaphysics should be pursued instead since (5) such science‐based metaphysics succeeds in establishing justified conclusions about ultimate reality. This paper argues that to defend (5), naturalized metaphysics must rely on methods similar to those criticized in (2). If naturalized (...)
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    Broad consent for biobanks is best – provided it is also deep.Rasmus Bjerregaard Mikkelsen, Mickey Gjerris, Gunhild Waldemar & Peter Sandøe - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-12.
    As biobank research has become increasingly widespread within biomedical research, study-specific consent to each study, a model derived from research involving traditional interventions on human subjects, has for the sake of feasibility gradually given way to alternative consent models which do not require consent for every new study. Besides broad consent these models include tiered, dynamic, and meta-consent. However, critics have pointed out that it is normally not known at the time of enrolment in what ways samples deposited in a (...)
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    On the Non-identity Causal Theory of Spacetime from Causal Set Theory.Rasmus Jaksland & Niels Linnemann - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-22.
    The aim to provide a causal theory of spacetime is not new. The overall program, however, was largely deemed unsuccessful, chiefly due to criticism voiced by Smart (Monist 53:385–395, 1969), Nerlich (Br J Philos Sci 33(4):361–388, 1982) and Earman (Synthese 24:74–86, 1972). Recently, Baron and Le Bihan (Noûs 58:202–224, 2023) have argued that developments in contemporary physics should make us reconsider this verdict. More precisely, they argue the emergence of spacetime from causal set theory (CST), where “the metric structure of (...)
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  7. Trust: Reason, Routine, Reflexivity.Guido Mollering - 2006 - Elsevier.
    What makes trust such a powerful concept? Is it merely that in trust the whole range of social forces that we know play together? Or is it that trust involves a peculiar element beyond those we can account for? While trust is an attractive and evocative concept that has gained increasing popularity across the social sciences, it remains elusive, its many facets and applications obscuring a clear overall vision of its essence. In this book, Guido Möllering reviews a broad range (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Character analysis in cladistics: Abstraction, reification, and the search for objectivity.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2009 - Acta Biotheoretica 57 (1-2):129-162.
    The dangers of character reification for cladistic inference are explored. The identification and analysis of characters always involves theory-laden abstraction—there is no theory-free “view from nowhere.” Given theory-ladenness, and given a real world with actual objects and processes, how can we separate robustly real biological characters from uncritically reified characters? One way to avoid reification is through the employment of objectivity criteria that give us good methods for identifying robust primary homology statements. I identify six such criteria and explore each (...)
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  9. Part-whole science.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2011 - Synthese 178 (3):397-427.
    A scientific explanatory project, part-whole explanation, and a kind of science, part-whole science are premised on identifying, investigating, and using parts and wholes. In the biological sciences, mechanistic, structuralist, and historical explanations are part-whole explanations. Each expresses different norms, explananda, and aims. Each is associated with a distinct partitioning frame for abstracting kinds of parts. These three explanatory projects can be complemented in order to provide an integrative vision of the whole system, as is shown for a detailed case study: (...)
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    An apology for conflicts between metaphysics and science in naturalized metaphysics.Rasmus Jaksland - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-24.
    According to naturalized metaphysics, metaphysics should be informed by our current best science and not rely on a priori reasoning. Consequently, naturalized metaphysics tends to dismiss metaphysicians’ attempts to quarrel with science. This paper argues that naturalized metaphysics should instead welcome such conflicts between metaphysics and science. Naturalized metaphysics is not eliminative of metaphysics. So, if such conflicts are driven by the immediate absence in science of an answer to a metaphysical question, then the conflict should not be dismissed, but (...)
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    Individual Guilt or Collective Progressive Action? Challenging the Strategic Potential of Environmental Citizenship Theory.Rasmus Karlsson - 2012 - Environmental Values 21 (4):459-474.
    While structural approaches to sustainability have remained unable to muster wider political support, green political theory has for some time taken a voluntarist turn, arguing that deep changes in attitudes and behaviour are necessary to reduce the ecological debt of the rich countries. Within environmental citizenship theory it is believed that justice requires each individual to start living within his or her 'ecological space'. Firmly rooted in the pollution paradigm, environmental citizenship theory holds that the path to sustainability goes through (...)
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  12. A simple argument against design: Dan Moller.Dan Moller - 2011 - Religious Studies 47 (4):513-520.
    This paper presents a simple argument against life being the product of design. The argument rests on three points. We can conceive of the debate in terms of likelihoods, in the technical sense – how probable the design hypothesis renders our evidence, versus how probable the competing Darwinian hypothesis renders that evidence. God, as traditionally conceived, had many more options by which to bring about life as we observe it than were available to natural selection. That is, the relevant parameters (...)
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    Holography without holography: How to turn inter-representational into intra-theoretical relations in AdS/CFT.Rasmus Jaksland & Niels S. Linnemann - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 71:101-117.
    We show by means of the AdS/CFT correspondence in the context of quantum gravity how inter-representational relations—loosely speaking relations among different equivalent representations of one and the same physics—can play out as a tool for intra-theoretical developments and thus boost theory development in the context of discovery. More precisely, we first show that, as a duality, the AdS/CFT correspondence cannot in itself testify to the quantum origin of gravity (though it may be utilized for this purpose). We then establish through (...)
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    Expanding Opportunity in the Anthropocene.Rasmus Karlsson - 2017 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 20 (3):240-242.
    The pre-modern world was one of gross inequalities and abject poverty. Yet, over the last two hundred years, social investments have unlocked the productive capacity and imagination of billions (Li...
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    Henri de Lubac and The Question of Original Sin for Catholic Theology.S. J. Philip Moller - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (5):477-486.
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    Zhuangzi’s Fishnet Allegory: A Text-Critical Analysis.Hans-Georg Möller - 2000 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 27 (4):489–502.
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    Probing spacetime with a holographic relation between spacetime and entanglement.Rasmus Jaksland - unknown
    This paper introduces and examines the prospects of the recent research in a holographic relation between entanglement and spacetime pioneered by Mark van Raamsdonk and collaborators. Their thesis is that entanglement in a holographic quantum state is crucial for connectivity in its spacetime dual. Utilizing this relation, the paper develops a thought experiment that promises to probe the nature of spacetime by monitoring the behavior of a spacetime when all entanglement is removed between local degrees of freedom in its dual (...)
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  18.  28
    Education Does Not Affect Cognitive Decline in Aging: A Bayesian Assessment of the Association Between Education and Change in Cognitive Performance.Rasmus Berggren, Jonna Nilsson & Martin Lövdén - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Stress and microbiota: Between biology and psychology.Rasmus Hoffmann Birk - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    This comment expands on Hooks et al.’s criticism of the problematic and overly general uses of “stress” within the microbiota-gut-brain field. The comment concludes that, for the microbiota-gut-brain field, much work is yet to be done in terms of how we explore and understand biology vis-à-vis psychology.
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    In Defence of Conceptual Integration.Rasmus Sommer Hansen - 2017 - Res Publica 23 (3):349-365.
    According to the ‘integration approach’, interpretations of political concepts should explain that they stand for rights we ought to respect and be both compatible and mutually supporting. I start by clarifying what this means, and proceed to an examination of Ronald Dworkin’s latest argument for value holism. I argue that his argument fails to provide a convincing case for the integration approach. I go on to argue that we nonetheless should accept that interpretations of political concepts should be compatible, because (...)
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  21. Naturalized, Fundamental, and Feminist Metaphysics All at Once: The Case of Barad's Agential Realism.Rasmus Jaksland - 2024 - Hypatia 39 (2):363 - 384.
    An apparent antagonism exists between fundamentality-focused mainstream metaphysics such as naturalized metaphysics—a metaphysics inspired and constrained by the findings of our best science—and feminist metaphysics whose subject matter is typically non-fundamental social reality. Taking Karen Barad's agential realism as a case study, this paper argues that these may not be in conflict after all. Agential realism is a metaphysical framework founded on quantum mechanics which shares the characteristic features of naturalized metaphysics. But Barad finds warrant to extend the scope of (...)
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    Metaphysik: Denkvollzug der Freiheit.Joseph Möller - 1997
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    Den platoniske dialog Theages: oversættelse og fortolkning.Rasmus Sevelsted - 2012 - København: Museum Tusculanums Forlag.
    Blandt de værker, der er overleveret under Platons navn, er den forholdsvis ukendte Theages. Det er en ganske kort dialog, som ikke desto mindre behandler et kernespørgsmål i Platons forfatterskab: Hvordan opnår man visdom? Den har tydelige referencer til en række kendte passager i Platons værk, fx iForsvarstalen, Symposion, Staten og Theaitetos. Desuden viser den nogle af de berømteste sider af Platons Sokrates: Hans guddommelige tegn, hans særlige ironi, hans forhold til sofisterne og til de mennesker, der vil følge ham. (...)
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    Perceptions and Justifications of Environmental Impacts of Second Home Use: A Norwegian Study.Rasmus Nedergård Steffansen, Jin Xue, Harpa Stefansdottir & Petter Næss - 2022 - Environment, Space, Place 14 (2):104-131.
    Abstract:This paper examines how second home users perceive their own and aggregate impacts on the environment, while also exploring the justifications they give for such impacts. We combine findings from two Norwegian studies. We find that second home users tend to perceive their own use as less environmentally detrimental than the average use. Positive perceptions about own impacts can partially be explained by the standard of second homes and number of years with access to it. Negative perceptions of aggregate impacts (...)
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    Just Liberal Violence: Sweatshops, Torture, War, written by Michael Neu.Rasmus Uhrenfeldt - 2020 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 17 (3):359-362.
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    Seismografiske instanser for en kritisk teori.Rasmus Willig - 2009 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 27 (4):78-100.
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    A Beginner’s Guide to the New Population Genomics of Homo sapiens.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2019 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 26:135-151.
    It is important to understand the science underlying philosophical debates. In particular, careful reflection is needed on the scientific study of the origins of Homo sapiens, the division of current human populations into ethnicities, populations, or races, and the potential impact of genomics on personalized medicine. Genomic approaches to the origins and divisions of our species are among the most multi-dimensional areas of contemporary science, combining mathematical modeling, computer science, medicine, bioethics, and philosophy of biology. The best evidence suggests that (...)
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    Formen der Solidarität: Eine Begriffssystematik.Julia Masurkewitz-Möller - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Solidarität wird in Krisenzeiten sowie bei Ungerechtigkeit und Marginalisierung gefordert. Sie tritt dabei in unterschiedlichen Reichweiten und Akteurskonstellationen auf und basiert auf verschiedenen Motiven und Ausgangslagen. Julia Masurkewitz-Möller nimmt sich dieser Vielfalt an und erarbeitet eine Systematisierung der Solidarität, die Ordnung in den begrifflichen Dschungel des Konzepts bringt. Sie zeigt, dass verschiedene Solidaritätsformen trotz ihrer Unterschiede einen gemeinsamen Kern und eine Beziehung zueinander haben - und damit die Transformationen von Solidaritätsformen möglich machen.
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  29. (1 other version)Women in Western Political Thought.Susan Moller Okin - 1979 - Princeton University Press.
    Susan Moller Okin. AFTERWORD or greater weighting of these over “masculine" values. For how are women to continue to assume all of the nurturing activities that allegedly both follow from and reinforce their “naturally” superior virtues, and  ...
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  30. Pluralistic ignorance in the bystander effect: informational dynamics of unresponsive witnesses in situations calling for intervention.Rasmus Kraemmer Rendsvig - 2014 - Synthese 191 (11):2471-2498.
    The goal of the present paper is to construct a formal explication of the pluralistic ignorance explanation of the bystander effect. The social dynamics leading to inaction is presented, decomposed, and modeled using dynamic epistemic logic augmented with ‘transition rules’ able to characterize agent behavior. Three agent types are defined: First Responders who intervene given belief of accident; City Dwellers, capturing ‘apathetic urban residents’ and Hesitators, who observe others when in doubt, basing subsequent decision on social proof. It is shown (...)
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  31. James and Dewey on Abstraction.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2014 - The Pluralist 9 (2):1-28.
    Reification is to abstraction as disease is to health. Whereas abstraction is singling out, symbolizing, and systematizing, reification is neglecting abstractive context, especially functional, historical, and analytical-level context. William James and John Dewey provide similar and nuanced arguments regarding the perils and promises of abstraction. They share an abstraction-reification account. The stages of abstraction and the concepts of “vicious abstractionism,” “/the/ psychologist’s fallacy,” and “the philosophic fallacy” in the works of these pragmatists are here analyzed in detail. For instance, in (...)
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  32. Interweaving categories: Styles, paradigms, and models.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (4):628-639.
    Analytical categories of scientific cultures have typically been used both exclusively and universally. For instance, when styles of scientific research are employed in attempts to understand and narrate science, styles alone are usually employed. This article is a thought experiment in interweaving categories. What would happen if rather than employ a single category, we instead investigated several categories simultaneously? What would we learn about the practices and theories, the agents and materials, and the political-technological impact of science if we analyzed (...)
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    Managing Competing Demands: Coping With the Inclusiveness–Efficiency Paradox in Cross-Sector Partnerships.Guido Möllering, Andreas Rasche & Leona A. Henry - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (2):267-304.
    This article discusses how cross-sector partnerships (CSPs) for sustainability manage the paradoxical tension between stakeholder inclusiveness and administrative efficiency. Drawing on qualitative data from a case study of a CSP focused on urban sustainability, we show how the inclusiveness–efficiency paradox unfolded throughout the studied collaboration. We discuss how the paradox reemerged in a different guise within each phase of the partnership and how three practices of paradox management helped actors to cope with the tension: “customized inviting” (during the formation phase), (...)
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    Phylogenetic Inference, Selection Theory, and History of Science: Selected Papers of A. W. F. Edwards with Commentaries.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2018 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    A. W. F. Edwards is one of the most influential mathematical geneticists in the history of the discipline. One of the last students of R. A. Fisher, Edwards pioneered the statistical analysis of phylogeny in collaboration with L. L. Cavalli-Sforza, and helped establish Fisher's concept of likelihood as a standard of statistical and scientific inference. In this book, edited by philosopher of science Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther, Edwards's key papers are assembled alongside commentaries by leading scientists, discussing Edwards's influence on (...)
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    When Maps Become the World.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2020 - University of Chicago Press.
    Map making and, ultimately, _map thinking_ is ubiquitous across literature, cosmology, mathematics, psychology, and genetics. We partition, summarize, organize, and clarify our world via spatialized representations. Our maps and, more generally, our representations seduce and persuade; they build and destroy. They are the ultimate record of empires and of our evolving comprehension of our world. This book is about the promises and perils of map thinking. Maps are purpose-driven abstractions, discarding detail to highlight only particular features of a territory. By (...)
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  36. The Genetic Reification of 'Race'? A Story of Two Mathematical Methods.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2014 - Critical Philosophy of Race 2 (2):204-223.
    Two families of mathematical methods lie at the heart of investigating the hierarchical structure of genetic variation in Homo sapiens: /diversity partitioning/, which assesses genetic variation within and among pre-determined groups, and /clustering analysis/, which simultaneously produces clusters and assigns individuals to these “unsupervised” cluster classifications. While mathematically consistent, these two methodologies are understood by many to ground diametrically opposed claims about the reality of human races. Moreover, modeling results are sensitive to assumptions such as preexisting theoretical commitments to certain (...)
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    Old problems for neo-positivist naturalized metaphysics.Rasmus Jaksland - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (2):1-19.
    In her paper “Neo-positivist metaphysics” (Philosophical Studies, 160(1), 53–78, 2012), Alyssa Ney promises a naturalized metaphysics that is acceptable even by positivists’ – and specifically Carnap’s – standards. This neo-positivist metaphysics takes its outset in the findings of our best science and relies on them to inform a metaphysics that can avoid the dependence on linguistic frameworks that is inherent to Carnapian deflationism. Neo-positivist metaphysics attempts to sidestep these problems by inheriting its semantic credentials directly from science itself. This paper (...)
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    From Jacobin flaws to transformative populism: Left populism and the legacy of European social democracy.Kolja Möller - 2023 - Constellations 30 (3):309-324.
  39. The mind, the lab, and the field: Three kinds of populations in scientific practice.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther, Ryan Giordano, Michael D. Edge & Rasmus Nielsen - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 52:12-21.
    Scientists use models to understand the natural world, and it is important not to conflate model and nature. As an illustration, we distinguish three different kinds of populations in studies of ecology and evolution: theoretical, laboratory, and natural populations, exemplified by the work of R.A. Fisher, Thomas Park, and David Lack, respectively. Biologists are rightly concerned with all three types of populations. We examine the interplay between these different kinds of populations, and their pertinent models, in three examples: the notion (...)
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  40. Entanglement as the world-making relation: distance from entanglement.Rasmus Jaksland - 2020 - Synthese 198 (10):9661-9693.
    Distance, it is often argued, is the only coherent and empirically adequate world-making relation that can glue together the elements of the world. This paper offers entanglement as an alternative world-making relation. Entanglement is interesting since it is consistent even with quantum gravity theories that do not feature space at the fundamental level. The paper thereby defends the metaphysical salience of such non-spatial theories. An account of distance is the predominant problem of empirical adequacy facing entanglement as a world-making relation. (...)
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    The Absolute Contradiction of Self-Determination.Rasmus Sandnes Haukedal - 2023 - Krisis | Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 43 (1):143-147.
    The prior issue of Krisis (42:1) published Critical Naturalism: A Manifesto, with the aim to instigate a debate of the issues raised in this manifesto – the necessary re-thinking of the role (and the concept) of nature in critical theory in relation to questions of ecology, health, and inequality. Since Krisis considers itself a place for philosophical debates that take contemporary struggles as starting point, it issued an open call and solicited responses to the manifesto. This is one of the (...)
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  42. Parts and theories in compositional biology.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2006 - Biology and Philosophy 21 (4):471-499.
    I analyze the importance of parts in the style of biological theorizing that I call compositional biology. I do this by investigating various aspects, including partitioning frames and explanatory accounts, of the theoretical perspectives that fall under and are guided by compositional biology. I ground this general examination in a comparative analysis of three different disciplines with their associated compositional theoretical perspectives: comparative morphology, functional morphology, and developmental biology. I glean data for this analysis from canonical textbooks and defend the (...)
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    Rasmus G. Winther, Review of Ants at Work: How an Insect Society Is Organized by Deborah Gordon. [REVIEW]Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (2):268-270.
  44. Darwin on Variation and Heredity.Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2000 - Journal of the History of Biology 33 (3):425-455.
    Darwin's ideas on variation, heredity, and development differ significantly from twentieth-century views. First, Darwin held that environmental changes, acting either on the reproductive organs or the body, were necessary to generate variation. Second, heredity was a developmental, not a transmissional, process; variation was a change in the developmental process of change. An analysis of Darwin's elaboration and modification of these two positions from his early notebooks (1836-1844) to the last edition of the /Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication/ (1875) (...)
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  45. The many problems of spacetime emergence in quantum gravity.Rasmus Jaksland & Kian Salimkhani - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    In this paper, we argue that what is often discussed under the umbrella of `spacetime emergence' in the philosophy of quantum gravity in fact consists of a plethora of distinct and even highly different problems. We therefore advocate to cast such debates more specifically in terms of the emergent spatiotemporal aspects, as is already done in the physics literature. We first show how ambiguous the notion of spacetime is already in general relativity. We then argue against three ways to reject (...)
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  46. More phenomenology in psychiatry? Applied ontology as a method towards integration.Rasmus Rosenberg Larsen, Guilherme Messas, Maschião Luca, Valter Piedade & Janna Hastings - 2022 - The Lancet Psychiatry 9 (9):P751-758.
    There have been renewed calls to use phenomenology in psychiatry to improve knowledge about causation, diagnostics, and treatment of mental health conditions. A phenomenological approach aims to elucidate the subjective experiences of mental health, which its advocates claim have been largely neglected by current diagnostic frameworks in psychiatry (eg, DSM-5). The consequence of neglecting rich phenomenological information is a comparatively more constrained approach to theory development, empirical research, and care programmes. Although calls for more phenomenology in psychiatry have been met (...)
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    Guest Editors' Introduction.Rasmus Thybo Jensen & Dermot Moran - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 21 (3):313-316.
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    “Vi forlænger vore hjerner med datamaskiner”: Prognoser om det postindustri- elle samfund og konstruktionen af dansk fremtidsforskning, 1967-1975.Rasmus Skov Andersen - forthcoming - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie.
    Denne artikel undersøger fremkomsten af dansk fremtidsforskning i forbindelse med samtidige prognoser omkring det postindustrielle videns- og informationssamfunds kommen. Artiklen demonstrerer, hvordan postindustriel teori og hertil knyttede opfattelser omkring fundamentale samfundsforandringer dannede baggrund for fremtidsforskernes interventioner i væsentlige samtidige debatter omkring fremtidens planlægning og politiske organisation. De teknologiske og økonomiske udviklinger, der fulgte med overgangen til det postindustrielle samfund, blev opfattet som uundgåelige af de danske fremtidsforskere, hvilket ledte til et narrativ omkring behovet for konstant og planlagt innovation i alle (...)
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    Slavoj Žižek: Less than Nothing. Hegel and the Shodow of Dialectical Materialism.Rasmus Ugilt Holten Jensen - 2014 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 31 (3-4):403-414.
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    Human embryonic stem cell research, justice, and the problem of unequal biological access.Mark S. Moller - 2008 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 3:22.
    In 2003, Ruth Faden and eighteen other colleagues argued that a.
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